Joining the Dots: Theoretically Connecting the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) with Supported Employment


  • Marna de Bruyn University of Brighton
  • Jon Wright University of Brighton



The Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) presents a framework for understanding client motivation and action in occupational therapy, emphasising the relation between motivation and action. Similarly, motivation to work is regarded as the primary and in some instances, the only eligibility criterion for inclusion in supported employment services. This commentary explores the potential theoretical link between the VdTMoCA and supported employment, primarily applied to the South African context. It is aimed at occupational therapists already familiar with the VdTMoCA. The following aspects of the VdTMoCA are theoretically applied to the context of supported employment: (1) motivation and action, (2) purposeful activity and (3) the use of graded challenges. It is tentatively concluded that the VdTMoCA may be compatible for use in supported employment at lower levels of creative ability. This would require that it is used as a means to enable participation in competitive employment, as opposed to raising the threshold for those considered appropriate candidates for employment.

Keywords: Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability, supported employment, motivation, action, purposeful activity


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Author Biographies

  • Marna de Bruyn, University of Brighton

    B. OT (University of Pretoria), M.Sc OT Candidate (University of Brighton)

    Robert Dodd Building

    49 Darley Road


    East Sussex, UK

    BN20 7UR


  • Jon Wright, University of Brighton

    DipCOT (London School of Occupational Therapy); MSc Health Psychology (City University, London); PGCE (University of Brighton); PhD (University of Brighton)

    Principal Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Department, University of Brighton

    Robert Dodd Building

    49 Darley Road


    East Sussex, UK

    BN20 7UR

    Tel: 001273 642877

    Fax: 001273 643652




How to Cite

de Bruyn, M., & Wright, J. (2017). Joining the Dots: Theoretically Connecting the Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) with Supported Employment. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47(2), 49-52.
  • Abstract 21
  • PDF 10