Street play as occupation for pre-teens in Belhar, South Africa


  • Amanda Brackmann
  • Elelwani Ramugondo University of Cape Town
  • Adrienne Daniels
  • Fezeka Galeni
  • Michael Awood
  • Tessa Hosking



Street play is often overlooked as an important activity for young people and can have negative connotations associated with it. There is currently no documented research which describes the meaning children and young people ascribe to street play. What people do everyday - which may promote meaning, health and well-being - is regarded as occupation within occupational science and occupational therapy. This paper explores the experiences of pre-teens who engage in street play within the context of Belhar, South Africa. It reports on a study conducted to gain insight into street play from the perspectives of this group of young people, with the purpose of informing occupation-focussed occupational therapy with this population in contexts similar to Belhar.  The findings of the study support an occupational justice approach to occupational therapy, which reqauires interdisciplinary research and practice, in order to inform policies such as the Open Streets initiatives that should promote children and young people's meaningful participation in society.  They also challenge the traditional treatment modalities and recommend further research and discussion into rhetoric(s) such as play as power and identity.

Key words: street play; phenomenology; pre-teens; occupational justice; play space


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Author Biographies

  • Amanda Brackmann

    Occupational therapist (Bsc. Occupational therapy UCT) with clinical experience in adult neurology and a growing interest in research on childhood play in context.

  • Elelwani Ramugondo, University of Cape Town
    Associate Professor in Occupational Therapy at the University of Cape Town. Her doctoral work took an intergenerational perspective into the study of play. She has a keen interest in the politics of human occupation, especially how everyday engagements impact on individual and community health and well-being.
  • Adrienne Daniels
    Occupational therapist (Bsc. Occupational therapy UCT) with clinical experience in adult psychiatry and mental health and research interest in permaculture and its role in mental health
  • Fezeka Galeni
    Occupational Therapist (Bsc. Occupational therapy UCT) With a passion for community based rehabilitation.
  • Michael Awood
    Occupational therapist (Bsc. Occupational therapy UCT) with clinical experience in adult neurology and research interest in the role of sports in rehabilitation for individuals with spinal cord injuries
  • Tessa Hosking
    Trained as an occupational therapist (Bsc. Occupational therapy UCT) but has shifted careers into English teaching.




How to Cite

Brackmann, A., Ramugondo, E., Daniels, A., Galeni, F., Awood, M., & Hosking, T. (2017). Street play as occupation for pre-teens in Belhar, South Africa. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47(2), 27-34.
  • Abstract 23
  • PDF 6