Occupation Based Hand Therapy in the South African context: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Susan de Klerk
  • Elretha Badenhorst
  • Amy Buttle Stellenbosch University
  • Fairuz Mohammed
  • Jeanette Oberon




Occupation-based hand therapy (OBHT) is an approach to practice that integrates multiple frames of reference, while remaining 
rooted in an occupational therapy perspective. There are a number of benefits and challenges that have been recognised in hand 
therapy settings. The use of an occupation-based approach in the field of hand therapy is of interest to all occupational therapists 
practising in this field. This commentary explores the challenges and opportunities of OBHT as an approach in the assessment 
and treatment of clients with hand conditions in the South African context. The authors describe OBHT, explore the barriers in 
practice and propose guidelines for such an approach in our context. Recommendations are made to enhance the understanding 
practice of an OBHT approach in everyday hand therapy practice within South Africa.

Key words: Occupation-Based Hand Therapy, Client Centred practice


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Author Biographies

  • Susan de Klerk

    Qualifications: B OT (SU), DHT (UP), M OT (SU)

    Position: Lecturer, Division of Occupational Therapy, Dept of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University

  • Elretha Badenhorst

    B  OT (SU)

    Occupational Therapist, Therapy in Action.

    Therapy in Action, Unit 16, The Avenues, Weidenhofstreet, Stellenbosch, 7600. 

  • Amy Buttle, Stellenbosch University

    B Sc OT (UCT)

    Senior Occupational therapist, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tygerberg Hospital

  • Fairuz Mohammed

    B Sc OT (UWC)

    Occupational therapist, Private Practice, Panorama Medi-Clinic

  • Jeanette Oberon

    B Sc OT (UCT)

    Occupational Therapist, Aurora Hospital, Port Elizabeth




How to Cite

de Klerk, S., Badenhorst, E., Buttle, A., Mohammed, F., & Oberon, J. (2016). Occupation Based Hand Therapy in the South African context: Challenges and Opportunities. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(3), 10-14. https://doi.org/10.17159/2310-3833/2016/v46n3a3
  • Abstract 17
  • PDF 6