The lived experience of drivers with a spinal cord injury: A qualitative inquiry


  • Lucia Mtetwa Stellenbosch University Cell: 0027719738154 Full Address: PO Box 24727, Gezina, 0081 Physical: 67 Trouw Street, Capital Park, Pretoria
  • Sherrilene Classen Western University; Stellenbosch University, University of Florida Full address: Elborn College, 1201 Western Road, London, ON, Canada, N6G 1H1 Tel: 519 661 2111 ext 86291 Fax: 519 661 3894
  • Lana van Niekerk Stellenbosch University Full Address: Stellenbosch University PO Box 19063, Tygerberg, 7505, RSA Tel: +27 21 938 9307



Introduction: Driving is an instrumental activity of daily living and a facilitator of meaningful participation in society for the 
majority of the population, including persons with spinal cord injuries. Persons with spinal cord injury may have impaired 
fitness to drive capabilities. Little is known about perceptions of drivers with spinal cord injury on driving, driver rehabilitation, 
or return to driving. This study examined the post spinal cord injury driving experiences of drivers and illuminates their 
rehabilitation and return-to-driving needs within the South African context.
This phenomenological study explored personal experiences of fourteen drivers with spinal cord injury, recruited 
through purposive sampling. Face-to-face, semi-structured interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. The data 
analysis was an inductive and iterative process.
Six themes represent the study findings: adjusting to physical limitations, safety perceptions and 
influencing factors, the positive role of driving, contextual features and supports, environmental barriers, and inconsistent provision of rehabilitation services.
Conclusions: The findings indicated that occupational therapists ought to consider incorporating driver rehabilitation services 
and adopt mediation approaches to advocate for persons with spinal cord injury, who want to drive. Plausible practice and 
research opportunities are discussed for occupational therapists who are interested in driving and spinal cord injury.

Key words: Driving, spinal cord injury, individual perspective, driver rehabilitation.


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Author Biographies

  • Lucia Mtetwa, Stellenbosch University Cell: 0027719738154 Full Address: PO Box 24727, Gezina, 0081 Physical: 67 Trouw Street, Capital Park, Pretoria

    Qualifications:BSc Honsn OT University of Zimbabwe

    Position: Masters student, Stellenbosch University

  • Sherrilene Classen, Western University; Stellenbosch University, University of Florida Full address: Elborn College, 1201 Western Road, London, ON, Canada, N6G 1H1 Tel: 519 661 2111 ext 86291 Fax: 519 661 3894

    Qualifications:BA Occupational Therapy (University of the Orange Free State)

    PhD Occupational Therapy (Nova Southeastern University)

    MPH Epidemiology (University of Florida)

    Post-Doctoral Fellow Public Health / Rehabilitation Sciences (University of Florida)

  • Lana van Niekerk, Stellenbosch University Full Address: Stellenbosch University PO Box 19063, Tygerberg, 7505, RSA Tel: +27 21 938 9307

    Qualifications:PhD in Occupational Therapy (University of Cape Town)

    Master of Occupational Therapy (University of Free State)

    Bachelor Degree in Occupational Therapy (University of Free State)




How to Cite

Mtetwa, L., Classen, S., & van Niekerk, L. (2016). The lived experience of drivers with a spinal cord injury: A qualitative inquiry. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(3), 55-62.
  • Abstract 17
  • PDF 6