Shaped by place: Environmental influences on the participation of young cyclists from disadvantaged communities in professional cycling.


  • Suzanne Stark George Regional Hospital, George
  • Theresa Lorenzo School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town
  • Susan Landman School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town



Objective: This qualitative study explored the influence of environmental factors on the performance of professional cyclists from disadvantaged communities.

Method: Photovoice, unstructured interviews, a focus group and a key informant interview were used as sources of data generation.

Discussion: The findings relate to the experiences of three cyclists, their team and their manager. It is evident that the environment impacts in different ways upon the participation and performance of cyclists.  Four of the five clusters of environmental factors as specified by the International Classification of Function were used as a framework for the discussion.  Environmental factors discussed are Products and technology; The natural environment; Appreciating supportive relationships and attitudes and the relevance of Services, systems and policies.

Conclusion: This study offers a fresh perspective from conventional sporting interventions by focusing on the influence of the environment on sporting performance rather than attempting to improve sporting performance. It is evident that the significance of the environment should be considered more carefully by coaching staff as it could ultimately improve performance of cyclists who come from disadvantaged communities. Taking an occupational perspective, this article highlights the potential contribution of occupational therapy in the field of professional cycling.


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Author Biographies

  • Suzanne Stark, George Regional Hospital, George

    Qualifications: B OT (US), MSc OT (UCT)

    Position: Senior Occupational Therapist, George Regional Hospital

  • Theresa Lorenzo, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town

    Qualifications: BScOT (WITS), Higher diploma for Educator of Adults (WITS), MSc in Community Disability Studies (University of London), PHD in Publich Health (UCT)

    Position: Associate Professor Disability Studies, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town

  • Susan Landman, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town

    Qualifications: BOT (US), MScOT (UCT)

    Position: Senior Clinical Educator, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town




How to Cite

Stark, S., Lorenzo, T., & Landman, S. (2016). Shaped by place: Environmental influences on the participation of young cyclists from disadvantaged communities in professional cycling. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(2), 44-51.
  • Abstract 14
  • PDF 7