Being a mother of a child with HIV-related Neurodevelopmental disorders in the Zimbabwean Context
Background: There is a growing population of mothers caring for their biological children who are infected with Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), in Zimbabwe. Many of these children present with HIV-related Neuro Developmental Delays
(NDDs). The occupation of being a mother is a complex and multifaceted role geared towards caring for and nurturing
children. The different ways in which mothers negotiate the unique circumstances linked to the occupation of being a mother to a child with diagnosis of HIV-related NDDs warrants exploration.
Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the mother's experiences of engaging in daily occupations relating to caring for
their with HIV-related NDDs.
Methodology: A descriptive qualitative study using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used to uncover the
mothers' lived experiences of caring for their child with HIV-related NDDs. Data generated from phenomenological interviews
conducted with five mothers were analysed inductively using a simplified version of the StevickColaizzKeen method.
Findings: Two major themes, namely 'Ndozvazviri' (Resilient Acceptance) and 'Rekindled hope for the future' emerged from
the findings. These themes revealed that caring for a child with HIV-related NDDs is a difficult and demanding role. Despite
this, mothers accepted and found meaning in this caring role. Their meaning was expressed through the opportunity to care
for their own child and to observe their progress in occupational development and engagement. These interactions created positive experiences for the mothers and rekindled their hope for the future of their child.
Discussion and recommendations: Despite the huge demands associated with being a mother of a child with HIV-related
NDDs. mothers were committed to this role and were reluctant to entrust this role to others. The findings of this study
encourage occupational therapists designing interventions for families, to carefully consider how the mothering role positively shapes the identities of mothers caring for children with HIV-related NDDs.
Key words: mothering, HIV-related NDDs, caregiver
Copyright (c) 2020 South African Journal of Occupational Therapy

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