Dynamic Seating in Learners with Down's Syndrome in South Africa





Introduction: The study aimed to investigate whether the classroom behaviour and task performance of learners with Down 
syndrome improved with the use of a stability ball as a classroom chair.
Method: A single-subject withdrawal design was utilised. There were three participants, aged ten to twelve, with Down 
syndrome in a special education classroom. Five phases of three weeks each were implemented alternately. Two phases 
incorporated usual classroom chairs and the other three phases made use of stability balls as chairs. Momentary time sampling was used to record learners' classroom behaviours in relation to their in-seat and on-task performance.
A substantial positive change was found in the learners' on-task performance when seated on stability balls instead of
of chairs. Results differed across participants; with some demonstrating a definite difference in the usual daily average on-task 
performance, while others showed steadier patterns of on-task behaviour in comparison with their usual fluctuating levels of attention.
Stability ball seating is a non-invasive intervention strategy that can be effectively utilised in classrooms and 
occupational therapy clinical settings, to improve on-task behaviour in learners with Down syndrome

Key words: Dynamic seating, Down syndrome, attention, in-seat behaviour, on-task behaviour


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Author Biographies

  • Lise Kathleen Reyneke, Stellenbosch University

    Qualifications: BSc OT, M OT (Paediatrics)

    Position: Private practitioner, Cape Town, South Africa

  • Munira Hoosain, Stellenbosch University

    Qualifications: BSc OT, M OT (Work Practice)

    Position: Lecturer, Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University.




How to Cite

Reyneke, L. K., & Hoosain, M. (2020). Dynamic Seating in Learners with Down’s Syndrome in South Africa. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(1), 20-27. https://doi.org/10.17159/2310-3833/vol50no1a4
  • Abstract 20
  • PDF 11