Work Integrated Learning (WIL) model – A win-win process between university, postgraduate business students and industry




work integrated learning (WIL), project-based learning, win-win process, business graduate job opportunities, employability


A project-based work integrated learning (WIL) model that is a match between business postgraduate programmes, business postgraduate students and industry partners can increase employability and job opportunities. This study is based on a qualitative and inductive approach and a longitudinal study initiated in 2014 and evaluated in early 2020. Based on empirical findings in a South African setting, the model reflects that in gaining a sense of the environment via a WIL partnership, postgraduate students are better able to connect innovatively to grow the business. A win-win situation can be achieved where a university, business postgraduate students and industry interact to achieve consensus and a match between industry needs and educational skills. The challenges of companies to find and employ appropriately skilled employees among business postgraduate students can be met through the use of the model. The model contributes to WIL knowledge in a business disciplines. This study presents the argument that if universities and industry partners are able to match their needs, connect, collaborate and engage successfully, postgraduate job opportunities and employability could increase.


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How to Cite

Lubbe, I., & Svensson, G. (2024). Work Integrated Learning (WIL) model – A win-win process between university, postgraduate business students and industry. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 17(1), 39-59.

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