Higher Education in Iraqi Kurdistan: Rethinking Psychological Principles in Student-Centred Learning Approach
higher education, psychological principles, emissions, social interaction, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), communication, student-centred learningAbstract
The student-centred approach has become more popular in recent years. The learners' responsibility for learning involves them directly in the learning process and promotes social behaviours, including collaboration, meaningful communication, freedom of choice, and teamwork. Students should develop their knowledge through dialogue, critical thinking, and problem-solving. However, due to various circumstances, teachers may struggle to overcome obstacles while utilizing the student-centred approach in educational settings. This struggle is particularly evident in developing nations like the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Despite the regional ministry of higher education implementing rules requiring new instructors to take pedagogical courses before beginning their teaching careers, teachers in KRI cannot hide that it is difficult to grasp all the concepts. This research sheds light on the struggles and opportunities of student-centred learning in KRI. The findings demonstrate that although there is a lack of psychological concepts, instructors attempt to incorporate what they have learned in their pedagogy courses. However, there is no information in the educational curriculum concerning the psychological principles required for student-centred learning. This study suggests that decision-makers investigate this problem and incorporate these ideas into subsequent instructional courses.
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