Teachers’ strategies to develop leadership skills in Foundation Phase learners





Foundation Phase learner, leadership, skills, teaching and learning, transformational


This research paper focused on the strategies employed by teachers in the development of leadership skills in learners at the Foundation Phase. The study aimed at exploring the strategies which teachers employ in developing Foundation Phase learners to embrace sound leadership attributes as young learners must develop and assume leadership roles at an early stage. A purposive sampling procedure was followed to select eight Grade 3 teachers from four government primary schools. The study was qualitative in nature and data were collected through focus-group discussions, capacity building workshops and observations. Data were merged into relevant themes using thematic analysis. The study was grounded in participatory action research with Erikson theory of psychosocial development and transformational leadership theory as its theoretical framework. The main finding was that the strategies suggested and adopted by the participating teachers in the development of leadership skills in the Foundation Phase showed a significant effect on the learners' behaviour, performance, willingness and readiness to perform in various leadership roles.


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How to Cite

Mulovhedzi, S. A., & Joubert, I. (Jacobina C. (2024). Teachers’ strategies to develop leadership skills in Foundation Phase learners. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 17(1), 121-136. https://doi.org/10.17159/w49qyt10

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