Exploring the downside to student online collaborations
collaborative learning, learning design, online learning, social capital, student collaborationsAbstract
Online learning proponents report that collaboration in online groups has positive effects on the student learning experience, but the literature also refers to a contrasting side, indicating the often overlooked non-productive or undesirable consequences of student online collaborations. To gain a more nuanced and contextual understanding of student online collaborations, a qualitative study was conducted. In-depth interviews and focus groups were used to gather primary data from students at an Open Distance Learning (ODL) university in South Africa. The results revealed a complex range of learning-related outcomes embedded in student online collaborations, including some drawbacks to these liaisons. Relevant literature about online collaborations supports the notion of looking at the potential for non-beneficial student collaborations and directs a call for a differentiated view of student online collaborations. The paper offers design guidelines from a social theory perspective to assist online learning practitioners in finding ways to mitigate negative online collaborations and facilitate constructive forms of student online collaborations in an optimal learning experience. This paper offers directions for future research regarding the complexity of student online collaborations.
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