A reflection on the ‘non-place’ character of German foreign language (GFL) courses and coursebooks in South African higher education





foreign language education, teaching German as a foreign language, critical reflection, teaching material practice


This paper argues that the reductionist, and increasingly trivial, nature of foreign-language textbooks has an adverse impact on how German language, culture and society are represented and perceived by foreign-language learners in South Africa reframing German-speaking countries as ‘non-places’. Reflecting on a coursebook prescribed at a South African university, this paper posits further that coursebook users, especially learners, are decontextualised and perceived to be homogenous by publishers who are guided by a construct of the average learner. This paper maintains that teaching coursebooks without adaptation to incorporate students’ epistemologies and ontologies endorse a ‘non-place’ classroom. Such practice perpetuates alienating conditions lamented in discourses common to higher education (HE) institutions which are facing calls for transformation. The paper examines the non-place representation of German-speaking contexts in German Foreign Language (GFL) coursebooks and its creation of a non-place classroom. Following a consideration of the disciplinary aims of German courses in South African HE, the paper advocates a curriculum which fosters a critical engagement with coursebook content. Finally, it argues that by cultivating learner-responsiveness in language courses, and by localising content, one can withstand a foreign language classroom which is devoid of place and belonging.


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How to Cite

Engelbrecht, N. (2024). A reflection on the ‘non-place’ character of German foreign language (GFL) courses and coursebooks in South African higher education. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 15(2), 36-50. https://doi.org/10.17159/c7xee423

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