A reflection on identified challenges facing South African teachers





curriculum change, discipline, grounded theory,, lack of resources, learner performance, medium of instruction, overcrowded classrooms


The ongoing crisis in South African education and constant curriculum changes puts strain on school teachers. This article focuses on the challenges confronting teachers in the South African schooling context. The methodology of grounded theory has great potential to contribute to our understanding of challenges within particular substantive contexts. In order to understand the key challenges experienced in South African schools, a qualitative research approach was employed as the best option for the collection of relevant data. Multiple case studies were undertaken, using semi-structured individual interviews with 12 heads of departments and six focus group interviews with teachers. Results revealed inter alia challenges such as curriculum change, medium of instruction, overcrowded classrooms, discipline and lack of resources. Implications for stakeholders regarding support and the implementation of any new curriculum were pointed out.


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How to Cite

du Plessis, E., & Letshwene, M. J. (2024). A reflection on identified challenges facing South African teachers. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 15(2), 69-91. https://doi.org/10.17159/cv8gfx71

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