A reflection on the ‘non-place’ character of German foreign language (GFL) courses and coursebooks in South African higher education
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), science education, beginning teachers, enablers and constraintsAbstract
The ability of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to improve teaching and learning explains its inclusion in policy prerogatives in countries around the world. Efforts to realise ICT’s potential in the teaching of science across the world are ongoing. In this qualitative study, we purposively sampled six beginning teachers with up to two years’ teaching experience to unpack the enablers and constraints they encounter when using ICTs to teach science in South African schools. The participants responded to semi-structured interviews, wherein they narrated their experiences on the teaching of science using ICTs. We used a thematic mode of analysis. Findings indicate a range of enablers and constraints that influence beginning teachers’ abilities to teach science using ICT tools. Despite exposure and competence, beginning teachers are unable to integrate ICTs effectively in teaching as indicated in the country’s education policies due to certain constraints. The paper recommends, among others, that the Department of Basic Education (DBE) should activate its monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that would assist in identifying context-specific challenges. In addition, it is recommended that the government relook its budget allocation to schools in the domain of technology to enhance school capacity to purchase internet data on a regular basis and to repair broken computers timeously. These findings call for more interdisciplinary studies to provide additional information relating to the use of ICTs by beginning teachers to teach science across a variety of classroom contexts.
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