Shaping ability of WaveOne Gold reciprocating instruments compared to two analogous counterparts
Coronal and midroot levelsAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare canalcentering ability and transportation of three analogous reciprocating shaping instruments after glide path preparation. Radiographs were used to select sixty untreated mesiobuccal canals with curvatures of 25° to 35° from extracted, human, mandibular molars. The canals were randomly divided into three groups for glide path preparation and shaping (n = 20): Group TWOG (WaveOne Gold Glider + Primary WaveOne Gold); Group TEF (Edge GlidePath + Primary EdgeOne
Fire); and Group TOFG (One File G Reciprocating Glide Path File + Primary Shaping file). Pre- and post-preparation micro-CT scans were compared at levels 7 mm (coronal), 5 mm (midroot), and 3 mm (apical) from the apex to evaluate transportation and centering ratios.
There were no significant differences in centering ratios at the coronal and midroot levels (P > 0.05). Transportation values were similar at the coronal level and for the combined mean values (P > 0.05). Transportation values for TEF and TWOG were similar (P = 0.98) at the midroot level but significantly lower than TOFG (P = 0.04). Apically, TEF remained significantly more centered with significantly lower transportation values than TWOG and TOFG (P < 0.05). Combined results showed that TEF was significantly more
centered than TWOG but similar to TOFG (P = 0.017). Centering ratios and transportation values were more favorable in the apical region after use of TEF. All three groups evaluated in this study proved to be safe for the preparation of moderately curved root canals.
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