Root and canal morphology of the maxillary first molar: A micro-computed tomography-focused observation of literature with illustrative cases. Part 2: Internal root morphology
Accessory canals, apical deltas, chamber canals, MB2, MB3, micro-CT, root canals, root canal configurationsAbstract
The complexity of root canal morphology can influence cleaning and shaping of the root canal system and, ultimately, treatment outcomes. Undiscovered root canal morphology can greatly reduce the prognosis of endodontic treatment due to the preservation of offending organisms and their by products. The maxillary first molar has been identified as one of the most challenging teeth to treat endodontically due to its complex internal anatomy, the presence of additional and accessory canals and intricate root canal configurations. This paper is the second of two that provide a micro computed tomography (micro-CT)-focused overview of available literature on various aspects of the root and canal morphology of the maxillary first permanent molar. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of relevant aspects of the internal root morphology in different populations. The content is supported by illustrative micro-CT images and clinical cases or images.
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