Re- conceptualising vocational rehabilitation services towards an inter-sectoral model


  • Zelda Coetzee
  • Charlyn Goliath
  • Ronel van der Westhuizen
  • Lana vanViekerk


This paper reports on a process that was undertaken by a group of occupational therapists, to re-conceptualise vocational rehabilitation in the Western Cape Province.   A critical action research inquiry method was used to review the role and positioning of the vocational rehabilitation services. The traditional vocational services, situated within the Department of Health, were found to be limited in a number of ways. The positioning of vocational rehabilitation as predominantly a health concern created a barrier that limited the scope of service delivery, thus hindering the outcome of employment. An alternate inter-sectoral approach was conceptualised; such an approach could have significant implications for the application of vocational rehabilitation. The implementation of the model that is proposed in this article will depend on the identified key stakeholders’ acceptance thereof and their efforts to collaborate.

KEY WORDS: Vocational rehabilitation, Inter-sectoral model, Domains of practice       


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Author Biographies

  • Zelda Coetzee

    Qulaifications: Dip OT (UP), MSc OT (UCT)

    Lecturer, Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Inter-disciplinary Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch

  • Charlyn Goliath

    Qulaifications: B OT (US), M OT (US)

    Lecturer, Division of Occuptional Therapy, Dept of Inter-disciplinary Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch

  • Ronel van der Westhuizen

    Qualifications: B OT (UFS)

    Part-time Lecturer, Division of Occuptional Therapy, Dept of Inter-disciplinary Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch

  • Lana vanViekerk

    Qualifications: B Ot (UFS), M OT (UFS), PhD (UCT)

    Division of Occupational Therapy, Departement of health and rehabiliation Sciences, University of Cape Town






Research Articles

How to Cite

Coetzee, Z., Goliath, C., van der Westhuizen, R., & vanViekerk, L. (2011). Re- conceptualising vocational rehabilitation services towards an inter-sectoral model. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 41(2), 32-37.
  • Abstract 6
  • PDF 2