Employing people with disabilitiesin South Africa


  • P Naidoo
  • P.A. Maja
  • WM Mann
  • D Sing
  • AJ Steyn


South Africa has developed policy and legislation to overcome barriers that people face with disabilities in the labour force, yet there remain practical issues relating to the implementation of these policies. This research aimed at identifying the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions, and experiences of employers when hiring People with Disabilities (PWDs). Two organisations were selected using a purposive sampling method where interviews were conducted based on a completed questionnaire. It was found that there was a lack of knowledge about disability and although there were negative attitudes presented toward disabled people from fellow employees as well as physical barriers to their employment within the organisations, there were also clear benefits. These benefits were related to among others, the positive contribution made by the employees with a disability.

Key Words:  people with disabilities, attitudes towards People With Disabilities,


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Author Biographies

  • P Naidoo
    Qualifications: BOT (UDW)
    Senior Tutor, Occupational Therapy, School of Audiology, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Lnagauge Pathology, University of Kwa Zulu Natal
  • P.A. Maja
    Student at UKZN at the time the study was conducted
  • WM Mann
    Student at UKZN at the time the study was conducted
  • D Sing
    Student at UKZN at the time the study was conducted
  • AJ Steyn
    Student at UKZN at the time the study was conducted




How to Cite

Naidoo, P., Maja, P., Mann, W., Sing, D., & Steyn, A. (2011). Employing people with disabilitiesin South Africa. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 41(1), 24-33. https://journals.assaf.org.za/index.php/sajot/article/view/19751
  • Abstract 15
  • PDF 6