The Relationship between Developmental Dyspraxia and Sensory Responsivity in Children Aged Four through Eight Years - Part II


  • Karin Buitendag
  • MC Aronstam


The relationship between developmental dyspraxia and sensory responsivity was investigated through correlation of the SIPT, Sensory Profile and Sensory Profile School Companion scores. The statistical analysis of data did not reveal an unambiguous relationship, but offered some significant weak inverse correlations and one significant weak positive correlation that were discussed in a preceding article. These findings gave rise to suggestions for future research which will be discussed in this article. Furthermore, clinical analysis of the data set produced interesting results that are worth mentioning and discussion. The integration of results from statistical analysis and clinical analysis are provided in this article and may offer valuable information about children’s sensory responsivity tendencies in the presence of certain types of developmental dyspraxia. The limitations of this study are given to guide researchers in the selection of methodology and measurement instruments for future research studies.

Key words: developmental dyspraxia, sensory responsivity, Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Sensory Profile, Sensory Profile School Companion, relationship


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How to Cite

Buitendag, K., & Aronstam, M. (2012). The Relationship between Developmental Dyspraxia and Sensory Responsivity in Children Aged Four through Eight Years - Part II. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 42(2), 2-7.
  • Abstract 6
  • PDF 2