The relationship between developmental dyspraxia and sensory responsivity in children aged four years through eight years - Part I
Developmental Dyspraxia and Sensory Modulation Dysfunction (SMD) are disorders of Sensory Integration (SI) and widely known to occupational therapists who use a SI framework to guide clinical practice. These disorders have been widely researched and documented as separate disorders of deficient sensory processing. The co-occurrence of these disorders has also been reported as concomitant and described as such. SMD is viewed as the tendency to over or under respond to sensory information and Developmental Dyspraxia has a confirmed relationship with inefficient sensory discrimination. The aim of this article is to determine if a relationship exists between Developmental Dyspraxia and sensory responsivity. This was accomplished by correlating data from the Sensory Profile and Sensory Profile School Companion with data form the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. The results of the study did not confirm a relationship, but yielded interesting correlations that add value to the interpretation of children’s sensory responsivity tendencies in the presence of Developmental Dyspraxia.
Key words: Developmental Dyspraxia, sensory responsivity, relationship, Sensory Profile, Sensory Profile School Companion, Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests
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