Enhancing academic staff retention in an open distance e-Learning higher education institution in South Africa





academic staff retention, Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory, human resource risk management, open distance e-learning institution


This paper reports on a Human Resource risk management conceptual framework for enhancing academic staff retention in an open-distance e-learning higher education institution in South Africa. The study utilised an interpretative phenomenological analysis research design. Data were collected from academics by means of semi-structured individual interviews and focus group interviews guided by an interview schedule. Three superordinate themes emerged from the data analysis, namely: determinants of academic staff retention; human resource risk assessment; and human resource risk management. The findings of this study resulted in the development of a conceptual framework that has practical utility for promoting academic staff retention in an open-distance e-learning higher education institution. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory and it's promoting and hindering factors underpin the study and enabled the development of the Human Resource risk management conceptual framework. The identified risk factors are intrinsically and extrinsically instrumental in influencing and determining academics’ decisions to leave or remain at their respective open-distance e-learning higher education institutions as their place of employment.  


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How to Cite

Molotsi, T. K., Bezuidenhout, A., & Joubert, Y. (2023). Enhancing academic staff retention in an open distance e-Learning higher education institution in South Africa. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 39-58. https://doi.org/10.17159/ijtl.v18i1.17166

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