Challenges faced by intermediate phase English First Additional Language teachers in establishing classroom libraries in Limpopo Province




classroom libraries, classroom interaction pedagogy, English First Additional Language (EFAL), rural circuit, primary school teachers, reading ability, reading comprehension


Classroom libraries have an important function in the development of reading abilities for English First Additional Language (EFAL) learners in the Intermediate Phase (grades 4 to 6). This research aimed at exploring the challenges faced by the Intermediate Phase EFAL teachers in establishing classroom libraries in a rural circuit of the Limpopo Province to promote learners’ reading ability. A qualitative grounded theory approach was employed using observations and an interview schedule with semi structured open-ended questions. Nine participants were purposefully selected. The study found that there was limited relevant reading material, a lack of space for setting up a classroom library in overcrowded classrooms, teachers’ lack of knowledge on organising the classroom library books and a lack of strategies on how to control the checking in and out of books. It is recommended that schools should first allocate funds for buying books and seek donations for reading material from public libraries as well as non-governmental organisations. Inservice training should be conducted to equip teachers with the basic skills of organising and facilitating the checking out and returning of classroom library books.


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How to Cite

Maja, M. M., & du Plessis, E. (2023). Challenges faced by intermediate phase English First Additional Language teachers in establishing classroom libraries in Limpopo Province. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 167-180.

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