Teachers’ enactment of project-based learning within the Ecubed project in Grade Four Life Skills classrooms
Project-based learning, Competencies for a fast-changing world, Life Skills, Grade 4 teachersAbstract
In response to preparing learners for the demands of living and thriving in a fast-changing world, this study explored the enactment of project-based learning (PBL) in Grade Four Life Skills classrooms within the Ecubed (E3) project at a primary school in Limpopo, South Africa. The study explored how teachers enacted PBL in their classrooms following training as part of the E3 project on PBL. Utilising semi-structured interviews, observations, and stimulated recall interviews, the study revealed that teachers grasped certain PBL elements and recognised factors enhancing its implementation, leading to improved learning outcomes. Nevertheless, challenges hindering successful PBL implementation were also identified. The findings underscore the potential of PBL, with appropriate intervention and motivation, to deepen learning, nurture an entrepreneurial mindset, and equip learners with competencies to live and thrive in a fast-changing world. This research contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on effective teaching methodologies and their impact on learners' readiness for the challenges of a fast-changing world.
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