Measuring the effectiveness of e-learning contents for active learning when deployed on mobile and web-based design interfaces using the Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance (MISC) Model




Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance Model (MISC), user engagement, mobile learning, web-based design, user interface design, active learning


Active learning is evolving as an interesting area of research at many higher institutions of learning, and this paper presents its practical contributions and implications for developing e-learning contents for both mobile and web-based design platforms and interfaces. With current advances and development in the best design interfaces, the literature indicates that the gaps identified in designing e-learning contents for both mobile and web-based designed platforms need serious attention. This paper looked closely at both mobile and web-based design interfaces, design principles, and online engagement in view of recommending the best approaches to promote active learning. The study followed a Design Science Research (DSR) paradigm to develop the framework to promote active learning. Following a pragmatic research paradigm, the study used one single DSR cycle in the development of the framework after reviewing and analyzing literature. The proposed framework is comprised of 10 steps, and these are supplemented with best approaches using the proposed taxonomy of major motivations for system design and use adapted from the Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance (MISC) Model.


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How to Cite

Osembe, L., & Khomo, F. L. (2024). Measuring the effectiveness of e-learning contents for active learning when deployed on mobile and web-based design interfaces using the Multi-Motive Information Systems Continuance (MISC) Model. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 17(2), 7-27.

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