The influence of gamified e-learning quizzes on students’ motivation – a case of programming students at a South African higher education institution




gamification, motivation, gamified quizzes, engagement, educational technology


Institutions globally have been grappling with the sudden shift to e-learning due to lockdowns related to the pandemic. However, challenges associated with motivation and student engagement continue to persist. While it is expected that e-learning will become more entrenched in higher education, ignoring these challenges can affect the sustainability of e-learning. Therefore, it is imperative to explore approaches to overcome the challenges. Utilising a case study approach, supported by a focus group, the authors explore how gamified quizzes influenced the motivation of programming students. In this study, it was found that participants experience increased motivation when afforded autonomy, are given a chance to learn socially, and rewarded. However, motivation decreases when students perceive pressure or are not rewarded. Findings also indicate that gamified quizzes contribute to increased understanding and confidence. Ultimately, gamified quizzes are more suited for low stakes learning activities that reward engagement but do not penalise non-engagement or poor performance.


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How to Cite

Adam, E., & van den Berg, R. (2024). The influence of gamified e-learning quizzes on students’ motivation – a case of programming students at a South African higher education institution. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 17(2), 44-62.

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