Perceptions of tutors on tutor training at a University of Technology


  • Mashango Phillemon Sithole Mangosuthu University of Technology



tutor training, tutor development, tutor programme, tutoring


Tutor training is an essential component of any university’s tutoring programme, but the role of tutor training is often understudied. Underpinned by a reflective practice theoretical lens, this study investigated the perceptions of tutors regarding the tutor training they receive at the beginning of the semester, with the thesis that tutor training imbues tutors with essential skills. A quantitative approach was assumed, buttressed by a positivist worldview. A sample was drawn from tutors who participated in the tutor training (n=69), whereas a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical analysis was conducted through the Independent Samples t-test (One-sample t-test). Results reveal that tutors who participated in the survey felt more confident, personally developed, more empathetic, and skilled in academic areas such as writing and student diversity. Training appears to help them understand the dynamics of teaching and learning and contributes positively to their work as tutors. The main implication of the study is that universities should invest in tutor training.

Author Biography

  • Mashango Phillemon Sithole, Mangosuthu University of Technology

    Mashango Phillemon Sithole is a Senior Specialist in Curriculum Development and Assessments attached to the Teaching and Learning Development Centre (TLDC) at Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT), South Africa. His research focuses on tutorship, academic professional development and curriculum development in higher education, and he serves as a Board member and Content Director of the Focus Conference on Higher Education. Mr Sithole is also an Editor of the Focus Conference proceedings and has published in accredited journals.


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How to Cite

Sithole, M. P. (2024). Perceptions of tutors on tutor training at a University of Technology. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 19(1), 50-63.

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