An overview of the causes of dyscalculia and its impact on learners’ arithmetic ability
dyscalculia, mathematics comprehension, medical, psychological, environmental factorsAbstract
Some children experience severe struggles in understanding mathematical concepts. A condition called ‘dyscalculia’ impairs learners’ capacity and limits their ability to perform and comprehend a mathematical concept. This study identifies factors that contribute to the weak academic performance by learners in mathematics. An empirical approach was used to gather data from a mainstream school and a special school. Interviews were conducted with teachers, occupational therapists, and learners. Virtual interviews included doctors and educational psychologists. The study revealed that learners' ability to learn and comprehend mathematics is influenced by medical, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. The consociate of the factors responsible for mathematical learning could raise awareness and provision to tackle the difficulties of mathematics teaching and learning. The study proposes further research around the development of mathematics curriculum underpinned by teaching and learning materials that accommodate the learning capabilities of learners with dyscalculia.
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