Evaluating quality mechanisms in collaborative open distance learning (ODL) course development using lecturers’ perspectives





collaborative course development, quality assurance in higher education, distance education, lecturers' perceptions


Course development at online distance learning (ODL) universities is frequently undertaken as a formalised collaborative process. In line with this, the University of South Africa (Unisa) has adopted a framework for a ‘team approach’ to course development, to which lecturers are key contributors, and who are supported by other specialists. The course development process has several embedded quality assurance mechanisms, which were derived from relevant literature on collaborative course development practices and quality standards. At Unisa, there has been no systematic research into the effectiveness of the quality mechanisms from lecturers' perspective. An exploratory study was conceptualised to obtain feedback from lecturers on the value of different quality mechanisms. The research posed the question: Which quality mechanisms promote successful course development, in the Unisa context, from a lecturer's perspective? A mixed-method approach was used. It involved a survey among lecturers to gauge the relative value attached to different quality mechanisms. Follow-up focus group sessions were conducted to further explore emerging issues. The results of the study highlighted the importance of formative feedback, including feedback from knowledgeable peers inside and outside the university. Furthermore, the allocation of sufficient resources was regarded as critical. On the basis of the findings, a model for quality assurance in collaborative course development that integrates the lecturers’ perspectives is suggested.


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How to Cite

van Rensburg, E., Venter, A., van Wyk, M., Ndinisa, J., & Michau, A. (2024). Evaluating quality mechanisms in collaborative open distance learning (ODL) course development using lecturers’ perspectives. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 16(1), 24-42. https://doi.org/10.17159/44bj3k02

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