Retreatability of root canals obturated using a bioceramic sealer and gutta percha



micro-organisms, obturation


The use of bioceramic sealers may, on occasion, complicate endodontic retreatment. This is due to their hard setting nature as well as adherence to root dentine which makes them more challenging to dislodge from root canals. The aim of this in vitro study was to determine the retreatability of root canals sealed with a bioceramic calcium silicate-based sealer cement. Materials and Methods 120 permanent human single rooted teeth were selected for the study. After working length and apical patency determination, the teeth were prepared using iRace™ Ni-Ti rotary files. Teeth were divided into four groups (n=30) and obturated as follows: • Group 1: TotalFill BC™ points and TotalFill BC™ sealer with the master GP at WL using basic hydraulic technique • Group 2: TotalFill BC™ points and TotalFill BC™ sealer with the master GP 3mm short of WL using basic hydraulic technique • Group 3: GP and AH Plus™ with the master GP at WL using lateral condensation technique • Group 4: GP and AH Plus™ with the master GP 3mm short of WL using lateral condensation technique• D-Race™ retreatment files and Endosolv™ was used to remove obturation material. The Kruskal-Wallis H test, pairwise and comparison between groups showed that the type of sealer cement and the working length influenced both the retreatability of the canal and retreatment time. The differences were statistically significant (p < 0.005) at a 95% CI. Fully extended GP will guarantee a passage for retreatment instruments to the apical area of the canal. The sealer and GP application technique during obturation should allow for full extension of the GP within the canal. Improper use of bioceramic sealers diminishes the chances of successful retreatment


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How to Cite

Maronga, G. O. ., Ahmed, S. ., Saayman, C. M., & Irari, K. W. (2022). Retreatability of root canals obturated using a bioceramic sealer and gutta percha. South African Dental Journal, 77(02), 77-84.