Beneath the surface: Unusual radiological findings in a peripheral ossifying fibroma



maxilla, microscopic, myxoid


A 26-year-old asymptomatic and otherwise healthy female patient presented with a pedunculated, non-tender tumour of
rubbery firm consistency measuring 66x70x59mm on the anterior region of the maxilla impairing normal mastication and
speech. The patient reported the tumour to be of long duration. Diagnostic imaging demonstrated an expansile soft tissue shadow associated with and displacing the right central and lateral incisors (Figure 2). Cone-beam computed tomography revealed mild maxillary superficial cortical erosion in the anterior maxilla with solid, linear and scattered foci of radiopacity evident intralesionally. Histopathological examination of the excised tumour, supported by radiological interpretation, confirmed microscopic features of a giant peripheral ossifying fibroma with a myxoid component.


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How to Cite

Singh, S. R., Chiloane, N. N., & Masilo, L. (2024). Beneath the surface: Unusual radiological findings in a peripheral ossifying fibroma. South African Dental Journal, 79(05), 288-289.