Inside Guillain-Barré Syndrome: An Occupational Therapist's perspective


  • Shavaughn Ashley Nikita Brooks Tambo Memorial Hospital, Boksburg.


Occupational Therapists working with patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) are tasked with collaborating with the patient to achieve maximal functional recovery. Although much has been published about recovery after GBS from a scientific perspective; this article combines occupational therapy principles with the personal experiences of an occupational therapist who herself suffered from GBS. This commentary outlines important considerations for providing intervention to patients with GBS and offers insights into the emotional and psychological aspects of coping with GBS.

Key words: Guillain-Barré Syndrome, personal experience


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Author Biography

  • Shavaughn Ashley Nikita Brooks, Tambo Memorial Hospital, Boksburg.

    Qualifications: B Occ Ther (Pretoria) Cum Laude in 2010

    Working at Tambo Memorial Hospital in Boksburg, Johannesburg from January 2011 to present. 

    Special interest in the fields of physical (adults and paeds), paediatrics and neonatal care and intervention

    Currently in final year Masters at the University of Pretoria - studying Early Childhood Intervention through the Centre for Alternative and Augmentative Communication (CAAC).  





How to Cite

Brooks, S. A. N. (2015). Inside Guillain-Barré Syndrome: An Occupational Therapist’s perspective. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 44(3), 40-43.
  • Abstract 9
  • PDF 8
  • Inside Guillain-Barre Syndrome: An Occupational Therapist's perspective 4