Domains for occupational therapy outcomes in mental health practices


  • Daleen Casteleijn
  • Margot Graham


Occupational therapists in mental health care settings find it difficult to produce convincing evidence of their unique contribution to health care. This article reports on the initial phase of a larger study the purpose of where purpose was to determine domains for an outcome measure for occupational therapists in mental health care settings.  A mixed methods exploratory design: Instrument Development Model was used to determine suitable domains. Occupational therapy clinicians were invited to take part in focus group discussions, workshops and the nominal group technique to discuss the status quo in outcome measurement and eventually selected domains for the ideal outcome measure for their contexts of practice.

Five themes emerged from the thematic content analysis of the focus groups:  Understanding the concept of outcomes, Giving examples of outcomes, Factors influencing the measurement of outcomes, Benefits from using an outcomes measure and Characteristics of an outcomes measure. The nominal group technique was employed during workshops on current trends on outcome measurement in occupational therapy. Eight domains emerged which represented the service delivery of the participating clinicians.  The domains were Process skills, Motivation, Communication and interaction skills, Self-esteem,  Balanced lifestyle,  Affect,  Life skills and Role performance. 

Key words: Domains, outcome measure, mental health care settings, occupational therapy.


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Author Biographies

  • Daleen Casteleijn

    Qualifications: B Arb (UP), B Occ Ther (Hons) (Medunsa), PG Dip Vocational Rehabilitation (UP), Dip Higher Education and Training Practices (UP), M Occ Ther (UP), PhD (UP)

    Senior Lecturer

    Department of Occupatuional Therapy

    School of Therapetic Sciences

    University of the Witwatersrand

  • Margot Graham

    Qialfications: Nat Dip Ot (Pret), B OT Hons (Medunsa), M OT (Pret), PhD (Pret)

    Position: Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy Department, School of Health Care Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Univesrity of Pretoria


How to Cite

Casteleijn, D., & Graham, M. (2012). Domains for occupational therapy outcomes in mental health practices. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 42(1), 26-34.
  • Abstract 7
  • PDF 2