Fracture of endodontic instruments - Part 1: Literature review on factors that influence instrument breakage




endodontic instruments, breakage


Instrument fracture is a serious complication during endodontic treatment of teeth, having an adverse effect on the outcome of the nickel titanium (NiTi) treatment, especially if the fracture prevents apical access to the infected root canal. Despite the advent of NiTi files, the risk of fracture during the endodontic preparation of root canals, especially in severely curved canals, remains a serious concern. The fracture of NiTi files during preparation may result in a compromised prognosis for the tooth. In the presence of periapical lesions, instrument fracture may reduce the chances of successful healing.


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How to Cite

Pillay, M., Vorster, M., & Van der Vyver, P. J. (2020). Fracture of endodontic instruments - Part 1: Literature review on factors that influence instrument breakage. South African Dental Journal, 75(10), 553-563.

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