Pulpotomy: An alternative treatment modality to conventional root canal treatment
Apexification, dental pulp, root canal therapy, partial pulpotomy, vital pulp therapyAbstract
Vital pulp therapy is considered a successful treatment modality in primary and immature permanent teeth. The development of bioactive material has led to vital pulp therapy and pulpotomy treatment becoming a popular treatment modality in permanent teeth. This literature review investigates pulpotomy procedures on permanent teeth as a viable option, as opposed to conventional root canal
treatment, as presented in the case report included.
The aim of this study is to evaluate literature on the reported success of pulpotomy treatment in mature permanent teeth. For this reason, the study specifically reviewed literature detailing the use of pulpotomies including the materials required for the procedure.
The literature review is focused on studies using MTA and bioactive alternatives as pulpotomy material. An electronic search was done on EBSCOhost to source 58 articles published from 1979 to 2022.
Literature investigated reports that pulpotomy treatment with bioactive materials shows promising results and therefore the possibility exists of it being a suitable treatment option or alternative to conventional root canal treatment.
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