A comparison of failure rates and canal preparation times between WaveOne Gold and One Curve file systems with and without glide path preparation in simulated canals
Primary WaveOne Gold, simulated canalsAbstract
The aim of this study was to compare the failure rate and canal preparation times of the Primary WaveOne Gold file (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) with the One
Curve file (Micro Méga, Besançon, France). The influence of glide path preparation on failure rate and final preparation times were also evaluated. Endo training blocks (Dentsply Sirona) with simulated canals were separated into four groups: Group 1: Primary WaveOne Gold with WaveOne Gold Glider; Group 2: Primary WaveOne Gold without glide path; Group 3: One Curve with One G; Group 4: One Curve without glide path. The number of training blocks that were shaped before instrument fracture occurred was recorded. Glide path and final preparation times were also recorded. Where no glide path was prepared, One Curve file prepared a significantly higher number of canals (14.33± 0.58) than the Primary WaveOne Gold (4.6 ± 1.34) before instrument fracture occurred (p<0.001). The One Curve with One G Glide Path file prepared significantly higher number of simulated canals (28±1.41) than the
Primary WaveOne Gold with WaveOne Gold Glider (15 ± 1.41) before instrument fracture (p<0.001). Glide path preparation times with WaveOne Gold Glider (4.8s) were significantly faster compared to the One G Glide Path file (7.29s)(p<0 .001). Significantly faster final canal preparation times were achieved in groups where glide path were prepared (p<0.001). One Curve files exhibits a greater fracture resistance than Primary WaveOne Gold files. Glide path preparation increases the longevity of preparation files and results in faster final canal preparation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maheshan Pillay, Martin Vorster, Peet J van der Vyver

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