Mathematics conceptual errors in the learning of a linear function- a case of a Technical and Vocational Education and Training college in South Africa




National Curriculum (Vocational) L2, mathematics students, linear function, conceptual knowledge, conceptual errors


In this case study, we explored the conceptual errors that National Certificate (Vocational) Level 2 mathematics students at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College in South Africa experience in learning functions. Qualitative data were sourced from a sample of Level 2 (L2) mathematics students (n=17) from a TVET college through test responses and interviews. The findings revealed that the students find it difficult to: recognise a linear function, translate between different representations of a linear function, and identify particular  components of a linear function. The findings generally indicated that the students lack conceptual understanding of the linear function. From the interviews, the students pointed to the teachers’ instructional practices as a major contributory factor to the identified difficulties they experienced. Specifically, a lack of exposure to instruction and assessment tasks that involved all representations of functions hindered a deep conceptual understanding of functions. 


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How to Cite

Sehole, L., Sekao, D., & Mokotjo, L. (2023). Mathematics conceptual errors in the learning of a linear function- a case of a Technical and Vocational Education and Training college in South Africa. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 81-97.

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